Key Considerations Before Buying Customer Experience Software

According to a Mailbutler survey, 40% of email users said they have at least 50 unread messages in their inboxes at a given time. If you’re still handling customer issues through email and spreadsheets, you could be delaying a significant number of customer resolutions.

Customer experience software solves that problem. 

What is customer experience software?

Customer experience software is a solution for tracking customer communication data, measuring analytics, and providing task automation in a single platform while reaching out through a customer's preferred channels like email, chat, and phone.

This is different from a CRM, which is useful for handling customer data throughout sales processes. Customer experience software can integrate with CRMs, but actually goes much further by offering advanced features for feedback collection and analysis, customer support, personalization, and reputation management. 

In general, customer experience software helps support teams quickly resolve customer inquiries, gather actionable insights about consumer satisfaction to improve products and services, and provide the best outcomes for customers.

How does customer experience software work?

Leveraging a customer engagement platform can take your customer interactions from transactional to meaningful, fostering loyalty and driving growth. Whether you're aiming to boost customer support efficiency or improve customer success outcomes, investing in customer experience software saves you money by decreasing your tech stack, improving your customers’ overall experience.

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7 Best Customer Experience Software Platforms

  1. Issuetrak
  2. HelpScout
  3. Intercom
  4. Front
  5. Drift
  6. Sprinklr
  7. Zendesk 
Recommended Reading: Top 7 Customer Experience Management Software
experience management software

Top 7 Customer Experience Management Software

How to Evaluate the Best Customer Engagement Tool Vendor

  • Features: Ensure a platform has the features you need for customer success. 

  • Integrations: Does a software tool accommodate your tech stack?

  • Scalability: Will your chosen software platform be able to support your organization’s growth over time? Considering the available features, integrations and pricing package, what does that trajectory look like?

  • Customization: Many platforms ask you to conform to their one-size-fits-all model, but every organization is different. Consider the configuration options available for data collection, process labeling, and customer interactions. 

  • Customer Support: Many vendors boast excellent support. Be sure to investigate current reviews for transparent, real feedback. Will this vendor uphold customer service values and expectations?

  • User Experience: Is implementing the product easy? Will interacting with the software product make your team more efficient?

  • Pricing and ROI: it's important to consider that your ideal software choice will depend on your specific needs, budget, and long-term goals.

  • Security and Compliance: Does this software vendor comply with security encryption measures, for example, SOC Compliance?

  • Product Roadmap: As with scalability, will the product’s development plans align with your vision for growth? Is this a company you can get on board with?

Key Features of Customer Engagement Platforms

  • Live Chat
  • Chatbot
  • Knowledge Base
  • Omnichannel Communications
  • Behaviorally-triggered Automation
  • Reporting and Analytics

Benefits of Leveraging Customer Experience Software Solutions

  • Streamlining interactions in a centralized repository for a more personalized, contextual service experience, including helping customers on their preferred channels and employing self-service tools like knowledge bases.
  • Increased operational efficiency for deeper customer insights, especially with the use of advanced reporting and analytics, survey responses, user access and permissions in one centralized place, rich data webform collection for better customer inquiry profiles, and task execution without disrupting user workflows.
  • Better cross-team collaboration with seamless handoffs, interaction visibility, and easy tracking over activity and user status
  • Automating routine and repetitive tasks, like software installation and updates.
  • Providing a consistent customer experience across channels while advancing knowledge management.
  • Maximizing the bandwidth of your support team and reducing ticket volume, thus eliminating siloed data and duplicated efforts.

Issuetrak customer experience software fills the gap to help organizations build relationships with customers. Try our 14-day free trial today!

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