What Companies Are Using To Improve Service Levels Instead of Jotforms

Jotform vs. Webforms: Using One Will Amplify Customer Service, Starting with Help Desk

What Are Web Forms?

A webform is a place where users enter data or personal information, which is then sent to a server for processing. For example, customers can provide feedback on services and products, or uses can submit their name and email address to place an order.

Not only do you use webforms to receive information, goods, and services from stores and facilities, but they’re also crucial for the businesses that embed them on their sites.

Is Jotform A Good Choice For Me?

Jotform is a San Francisco–based company for building online forms, and offers an approach for organizations to collect, manage, and share data, payments and e-signatures. Jotform Teams can create and customize online forms using no-code conditional logic, 10,000+ templates, and hundreds of integrations. 

There is a range of packages with prices ranging from free to $99 per month. Each of 5 tiers progressively offers more features at an integral price point. For organizations hoping to white label their forms, it’s important to note that any forms created within Jotform’s free tier retain Jotform branding.

Jotform’s top features include: 

  • A variety of templates: Store Builder, Approval, PDF, E-Sign, etc.
  • My Tables to access and manage form responses
  • At the Enterprise tier, streamlined workflows with role-based access as well as team/cross-team workspaces

As a simple data-collection service, Jotform may answer the needs of organizations that don’t require much interaction with the people submitting their data. To truly benefit, your company must manually use and leverage the form data collected using Jotform.

Examples of limited interaction usage cases that might benefit from a simple Jotform include:

  • Collecting email addresses
  • Surveys or questionnaires
  • Rosters or tallies for event planning
  • Gathering website analytics
  • Customer feedback intake only

These ways of collecting information typically don’t require back-and-forth interaction, customer/user feedback, or conflict resolution, so a simple Jotform would work well in these cases.

Two important questions here are: Does your situation require simple data intake via forms? Or do you need a more robust solution that allows you to be more responsive to requests?

Why Standalone Webforms Are Not An Ideal Help Desk Solution 

Webforms are a good way to ingest work. That’s only stage one of what it takes to handle a ticket and answer or even exceed a customer’s needs. A lot more goes into customer solutions than simplistic data intake forms.

Companies are often swarmed with email. Agents that sort through and respond to collected data have entirely different needs than what a simple webform offers. 

SEE: Solve Customer Issues Faster with Webforms

Many help desk agents are still using Excel, email inboxes, or paper spreadsheets, or even keeping mental tabs to track feedback, complaints, suggestions, and requests. These outdated methods are making it impossible for companies to remain competitive with their customer base. Companies suffering these symptoms will not benefit from implementing a simple form, but instead might consider leveling up with help desk software automation.

Generally, help desks need software that can handle their complexity. Take customer solutions, for example: once a webform receives data, help desk agents undergo a rigorous process of follow up and resolution.

Help desk webform data collection requires certain robust functions like:

  • Task management
  • SLA compliance
  • Ticket assignment, status and substatus
  • Notifications to customers or other involved employees
  • If applicable, email integration
  • And more

Get More Out of Forms than Just Data Collection: Help Desk Software with Webforms

Whether or not a simple form is sufficient depends on the scale of your needs. For simple data collection that needs no interaction, Jotforms give users necessary information. 

So what happens when your company needs to scale up? Some organizations benefit from embedding forms on their websites to collect data, and assist and interact with users. In these cases, they are better off amplifying their help desk services with a fuller solution. 

SEE: Clear Ticket Requests with Webforms

Help desk software wins out against using simple forms for several reasons:

  • Help desk software  is built to ingest data, and work through, track, and record information.
  • Web forms are often a package deal with help desk software.
  • Service desk agents benefit from the robust automation featured in help desk software, enabling them to respond to and resolve issues based on webform data collection.
  • You can configure help desk software to match your preferred workflows, tasks, status updates and compliance. You can often set the types of features or number of paid agent seats in order to meet your budgeting goals, manage overhead, or match your organization's methods.
  • Deep, advanced reporting on collected form data tactically routes companies towards areas of improvement and better business and service practices.


Go Beyond Basics and Improve Service Standards.


Issuetrak + Webforms

Issuetrak’s help desk software offers configurable options to streamline your help desk processes in any department. Some help desk software options only offer a one-size-fits-all model, like Jira. Because Issuetrak can be built as robust or simple as you need, you can match your feature uses to your existing processes, and scale in complexity over time and as necessary. 

The nicest part about Issuetrak versus its competitors is that an implementation team is on deck to help make sure you are able to set our software up with speed and precisely to your specs. On top of that, your choice of features does not affect the cost, as Issuetrak is priced on a per-agent basis. This means you can customize your webform data collection process as simply or complex as you need it to be.


Learn more about Help Desk Plus Webforms

Collect webform information from millions, but don't overpay. With Issuetrak, pay per agent, get unlimited free users.


SEE: Empower End Users: Agents vs. Free Users


Issuetrak offers webforms as an add-on to its overall help desk solution:

  • You can place webforms anywhere on your site, making data submission easy and obstacle-free.
  • You control the data types you need to fulfill requests quickly and with precision, using user-defined fields.
  • Issuetrak’s team can assist with webform creation in your initial implementation.
  • You can alter webforms to suit your needs as you scale in growth or scale down in complexity.
  • Because webforms feed into Issuetrak’s software, you’ll be able to prioritize data by urgency, the responsible agent, the type of information, tags, or more.
  • Webforms and Issuetrak integrate seamlessly, so that any collected data will drop directly into automation feeders and seamlessly organize your data handling.

How Webforms Help Various Industries


  • Property Managers
  • Retail Services
  • Healthcare Providers
  • Maintenance Providers
  • Transportation


Issuetrak Webforms vs. Jotform: Major Differences Before Purchasing


Issuetrak Help Desk + Webforms


Fully-fledged help desk system with task management, SLAs, knowledge base, notification alerts, automation features, and more

Includes mobile app builder, PDF editor, and electronic signature collection services.

1x cost - annual

Progressive pricing tiers with limited capability

No limitations

Feature and form volume limitations depending on the tier you pay

No feature gating


According to a TechTarget study, one of the top 5 concerns for tech buyers is product capability. Issuetrak’s webform offers greater capability than Jotform, and is a fraction of the cost compared to competitors like Zendesk. Furthermore, Issuetrak doesn’t skimp on scalability or security, and offers a straightforward per-agent cost structure for small teams and large organizations.

Ready to scale up from simple webforms to robust data processing? Explore Issuetrak today.

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