Traktip: Resolve Issues Using Automation


It’s time for another Traktip!

This time, we’ll talk about rules: specifically, using automation, formerly known as Business Rules, to create management alerts about delays in resolving open issues before a bigger problem arises! Even with your dashboard dynamically tracking and reporting, sometimes issues don't receive the attention that they need. But, with Issuetrak Workflows, formerly known as Escalation Rules, you’ll know early on if your staff is getting behind—well before the issues gets elevated above your head.

Navigate to Workflows by clicking the gear in the upper right-hand corner and then selecting "Workflows" from the Automation section of the settings lightbox. Click “New” and follow this series of four Steps:

 Step 1: Filter by time to identify issues that have been open for too long or haven’t been updated recently.

 Step 2: Create more filters using other fields, such as Issue Type, Location, Priority, or Substatus.

 Step 3: Add a public or private note to the issue, for example, “This issue has been open X days and additional resources might be needed.” You can also change the assignment, Substatus, or priority of the issue.

 Step 4: Give the rule a name and set the process order, which is the order the rules fire off against open issues.

Now that you’ve set up Issuetrak to identify issues in need of your immediate attention, let’s edit the workflow to send notifications when the conditions have been met. Click “Edit” on the workflow you just created.

    • Navigate to the bottom of the page and click “View/Maintain Subscribers” for email notifications.
    • Now add individual users and/or groups to the notification list for when this workflow runs.
    • Edit the individual names on the Issue Subscribers list and check whether they need just an email or an SMS alert.

Now you’ll receive an email or SMS message when open issues reach critical points where additional resources are needed to resolve the issue quickly and efficiently. Workflows provide efficient resolution each and every time.

With Issuetrak automation, you can rest assured that your business processes and procedures are followed consistently. Setting the above alert provides an additional safeguard for helping your team stay on track of all your open issues.

Topics from this blog: Traktips
