Choosing the Best Workflow System for You: Workflow Examples & More

In a nutshell, workflows are an efficient strategy to ensure something gets done right consistently, without fail. They can illuminate complicated tasks and turn them into simpler, step-by-step processes. In this article, we provide several workflow examples, talk about the benefits of a competent workflow system, and show you how to choose the right one for you.

What Is a Workflow?

Process workflows are a series of steps that must be completed to finish a goal. The steps could be linear and simple, or they could contain complex branching. We all deal with workflows in some capacity every day, whether it’s the processes we deal with at work or the steps we take to make dinner at home.

Effectively managing a workflow system requires the processes are set up accurately, and efficiently, that they are understood, and that they are repeated the same way each time to guarantee the same results.

What Are Different Types of Workflows?

Some common inter-industry workflows include:

  • Employee Onboarding
  • New Client Setup
  • Product Return Authorizations
  • Documentation Requests
  • Purchase Approval Requests
  • IT Change Management
  • Engineering Change Requests
  • Compliance Audits
  • Website Edits

These workflows may involve multiple individuals, teams, or departments that need visibility and accountability, as well as organization, collaboration, and communication.

Let’s take a look at some sample workflows.

5 Workflow Examples

Example #1: Engineering Change Management

Our first sample workflow is common in the world of systems engineering. The change management process begins with a change proposal. Usually, the proposal is first sent to a change control board for approval. 

If the change is feasible, an implementation plan is developed. Once that’s completed, the Engineering Change Order finalizes the details, outlining the steps for modification and revision of documentation.

Last, the implemented change must be tested and verified. If there are any problems, the proposal is redesigned and the approval and implementation process repeats. However, if there are no problems, the system is returned to production status and operations continue.

Example #2: Human Resources Employee Onboarding

This workflow system gets kicked off every time a new employee is hired. For most organizations, HR, Facilities, and IT departments have their own processes that must occur in tandem with each other:

  • IT sets up computers, phones, and appropriate software and network access.
  • Facilities set up a workspace and grant any building access needed.
  • HR produces paperwork related to the employee's insurance, tax needs, and payroll information.

Most of these tasks need to be completed either before the employee arrives or during their first-day orientation. Setting up a digitized workflow system ensures that no department forgets a step or leaves the new employee without equipment on their first day.

Example #3: Accounts Payable

Our next workflow example is critical to get right. When money is involved, it pays to be as organized and methodical as possible. 

Accounts Payable departments go through process after process to ensure that vendors are compensated and that payments go where they should:

  • When does a payment need to be sent? 
  • Who will receive it? 
  • What happens when an error occurs? 

All of these moving parts can be accounted for in a branching workflow (or, likely, multiple workflows) that defines the next steps and ensures accuracy and efficiency every time.

Example #4: Customer Service

Satisfactorily responding to customer service requests requires following specific processes as well.  Having a comprehensive workflow system in place can easily improve customer experience and increase brand loyalty.

Depending on the type of request, your team may have different workflows to handle and resolve issues. For example, your team may take a different approach to responding to a customer complaint as opposed to a service request or comment.

While each inquiry merits attention, they all have unique steps that must be completed to reach resolution. Logging each of these steps using a task management tool helps reduce confusion and ensure that no steps are overlooked.

Example #5: Marketing Campaign Approval

This next sample workflow is a simple one to ensure that ‘I’s are dotted, ‘T’s are crossed and clients are happy. Most marketing teams will juggle multiple campaigns at a time, each requiring different approval stages. A workflow system can clarify and streamline the process by routing individual tasks to the right stakeholders for review and approval at each stage.  

First, the campaign proposal is submitted for approval. Once approved, drafts for budget, design, and content are sent to the respective teams. Each of these elements requires individual approvals before moving to the final stage: scheduling and launch.  

Using a workflow system ensures that nothing slips through the cracks and that all campaigns are launched on time with full oversight and approval.

7 Benefits of Workflow Management

Once you realize the benefits of an effective workflow system, you may wonder how you ever went without one:

  1. Automation and optimization of workflows save time and reduce costs.
  2. Structured workflows ensure tasks are completed consistently.
  3. Standardized tasks can be easily taught and replicated, boosting operational resilience.
  4. Improves understanding of task completion processes, plus what and who is involved.
  5. Illuminates inefficiencies and helps managers find ways to improve processes.
  6. Eliminates repetitive, low-value tasks, which boosts employee productivity and satisfaction.
  7. Helps managers match specific skills to tasks, so the right people handle the right activities.

Workflow Systems Built Your Way

Every workflow you develop can be as complex or as simple as you need. It all depends on the requirements of your process.

The important thing is to fully understand your processes and all of the potential branches and loops that your workflow may take. Be sure to document this fully so that you can accurately repeat the process whenever necessary.

You may find it helpful to use workflow management software to create a workflow system, keep track of tasks, easily make changes when necessary, remain organized, and more.

What Is a Workflow Management System?

Manual workflow systems are a thing of the past – or they should be. Software technology innovations have revolutionized the process. 

Modern workflow management software offers a plethora of tools to digitally create, document, analyze, and optimize workflows, making it possible – and efficient – to streamline and automate each step.

Workflow management platforms allow workers to define inputs, transformations, and outputs, translating them into objects, rules, and events for automation. These systems also typically support custom workflows, enabling teams to meet unique needs.

Choosing the Right Workflow System for You

Organizations should seek rules-driven workflow systems that offer key features like:

  • Mapping and defining workflows
  • Creating and customizing workflows
  • Accessing prebuilt workflows
  • Automating notifications and repetitive steps
  • Integrating with existing systems, including legacy ones
  • Measuring and reporting on workflow performance

Businesses should also consider low-code/no-code features, user interface design, and visualization capabilities to ensure usability and an effective workflow. 

Additionally, since primary system users often do not have IT training, it’s important to evaluate vendor support and how easy it is to implement and use the software. This is why Issuetrak prioritizes values like accountability, respect, relationships, and integrity.

Workflow Management Best Practices

To maximize the benefits of a workflow system, organizations should aim for:

  • Committing adequate resources and ensuring accountability for continuous improvement.
  • Simplifying workflows and identifying potential streamlining shortcuts.
  • Eliminating inefficiencies – removing or automating redundant activities
  • Digitizing processes – converting paper-based activities to digital format as much as possible.
  • Leveraging all the features of the workflow management system for maximum optimization

Are you ready to make a change for the better? Request a tailored demo with our Product Experts today!

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