Taking small and medium businesses to the next level

All organizations feel the heat in maximizing their return on investment—but the stakes are even higher for small and mid-sized operations. A poor software investment can devastate a support team or IT department of only 10 members—let alone one or two! With the strain on budgets in recent years, making the most of your assets is critical.


Win the small game, play the long game

Small teams tackle big problems as well as any large-scale enterprise. But how do you do it better? Automation is the fuel booster to maximize your company’s talents and avoid burnout.

customer stories

We meet you where you’re at

Your small team balances a huge workload, already proving the “small and mighty” reputation you’ve built. There’s no mutiny here—we’ll integrate our tool with the processes you’ve already got. You deliver solutions at superhuman speed without spreading your colleagues thin.


Automation + motivation = win

Unlock a new level of agent efficiency with issue templates, auto-assignment, and more.  No need to turn coworkers into drones by rote. Keep your team’s dynamism and wow customers with quick return on their requests when you leverage our tool’s automation prowess.


Deploy on your terms

Most software companies focus solely on cloud delivery, but we don’t presume to choose for you. Our tried-and-true deployment methods let you control whether you deploy your site in our cloud or on-premises.


Customer Review:
Samaritan Hospital

"The technician was terrific! We were trying to implement a very complicated process. The tech came up with a great solution to my problem. Issuetrak's tool is capable of so much more than we're currently using it for and we're exploring new functionality with every new project."

Customer Review:
Epsen Hillmer Graphics

"World Class service every time! I wish all our software vendors were as responsive, knowledgeable and helpful as the service techs for Issuetrak!"

Easy-to-use features with massive reach

For organizations that want to maximize the value of their IT investments, issue tracking software is one of the smartest purchases you can make. It has numerous applications across just about every department, providing far more value than a one-trick-pony help desk platform. 

Forms and Fields

Forms and Fields

Custom forms and user defined fields ensure your issues have the exact details you need to resolve any challenges coming your way.



Trigger a variety of automations to handle tickets and eliminate the need for constant intervention. Issue assignments, notifications, alerts, escalations - make one support agent feel like a dozen.


Issue Hub

Create custom views of your open issues, share those views with specific parties, and mass update the displayed issues for rapid handling.



Alongside Issue Hub custom views, get a visual overview on issue health using the Dashboard. Dive deeper into data with custom-built reports and easily export for additional processing.


Leave spreadsheets and sticky notes behind with Issuetrak’s singular, multi-faceted tool